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Unnamed CalArts Student (2022)
Students are sometimes used as subjects in the Institute Life Drawing Class at CalArts. This piece of a student I was and still am unfamiliar with turned out to be one of my personal favorites.

Quiet Outside the Mansion (2023)
Small sketch of The Haunted Mansion done on location at Disneyland Park.

Bazaar (2023)
Small watercolor painting of the Bazaar shop in Adventureland done on location at Disneyland Park.

Marti's House (2023)
My first commission: This watercolor portrait of my friend Marti's house. Done off location over the span of a couple weeks.

AdventureCans (2023)
Details are what elevate theme parks to become heightened, dynamic experiences. For example, trash cans at Disneyland have their own specific designs which blend into each area's theme. Details such as this can become so beloved that merchandise and fan groups will form simply out of their love of the thought that goes into something that can be pretty easily overlooked.
I am one of those fans. And I've always wanted to draw one of them... I present the magnificent trash cans of Adventureland.

Disease (2022)
Custom character designed to make a statement relating to the indirect spread of diseases due to the dangers of social media.

Craftsman (2021)
With the goal of wanting to create a painting that recreated the beauty and aesthetic of a craftsman style stained glass window, I got to work using hot glue, acrylics, and water. The hot glue, painted black, resembles the lead of a stained glass portrait. The acrylics, if heavily coated on and brushed with water carefully to make a pattern, looks like the glass itself.

Deco (2021)
Watercolor/linocut portrait inspired by the Art Deco movement.
Bloom (2023)
Small sketch of the annual poppy bloom done on location at the fields near Lake Matthew, California.

Terror (2023)
I knew I wanted to draw something special for my first official Procreate drawing. Having always had a specific fascination with the "Tower of Terror" attraction exteriors across the Disney Theme Parks, I decided that my first drawing should be the first Tower exterior.

Outpost (2023)
Sketch done on location at Adventureland within Disneyland.

Coke Corner (2023)
Small sketch of Coke Corner done on location at Disneyland Park.

Final CalArts Life Drawing Piece (2022)
This class was my first endeavor at truly trying to draw human subjects. While not a conventional life drawing class meant to teach fundamentals, I found myself developing my style and skill more and more.

Jungle Cruise (2023)
Small sketch of the Jungle Cruise attraction done on location at Disneyland Park.
Thin Man Model (2022)
In the CalArts Life Drawing class, I found that my style for drawing life very much uses exaggerated shapes. This piece is a good example.

H Piece (2020)
Monogram art piece based off of John Carpenter's film Halloween.
Sutter St. (2023)
Sketch done on location at the San Francisco Trolley Museum.

Carthay (2023)
Sketch done on location at Buena Vista Street within Disney California Adventure.

Various Still Lifes (2018-2022)
Pieces done in my high school years.

Huntington Grounds (2023)
Small watercolor painting done on location at The Huntington Library and Botanical Gardens.

Fantasyland Rooftops(2023)
Small watercolor painting of a section of Fantasyland done on location at Disneyland Park.
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